George A. Romero is best known for making The Crazies, Creepshow and his seven Dead films, beginning with 1968’s Night of the Living Dead. However, in 1996 the Godfather of the Modern Zombie published his first and only children’s book, The Little World of Humongo Bongo. Both written and illustrated by Romero, it’s the tale of fire-breathing giant Humongo Bongo, who lives on the tiny planet of Tongo. Gentle and curious, his world is thrown upside down when he encounters a race of tiny people named the Minus, who initially worship him as a God but then turn on him when they succumb to fear, greed and the lust for power.

Both an imaginative morality tale for pre-teens, and a fascinating vehicle for the social commentary lauded by Romero’s loyal fan base, The Little World of Humongo Bongo is the first Untold Horror release, in conjunction with ChiZine PublicationsPreviously only released in French for the European market, the story has been resurrected with the involvement of Romero, who contributed to this special edition. 

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